Joan Baez: Musical Icon and Social Justice Advocate
Discover how Joan Baez's talent and music activism have influenced social justice movements worldwide. From civil rights to Ukraine, her legacy endures.
Luisa Ballin12 min read

Remarque’s Antiwar Novel Comes to Life in German Cinema
Discover the new German film adaptation of Remarque's antiwar novel, exploring themes of war, peace, and morality.
Peter Hulm32 min read

Tolkien’s Legacy: Protecting Switzerland's Cultural Heritage
Explore Tolkien's impact on Switzerland's cultural legacy and heritage preservation. Discover the importance of literature and culture.
Peter Hulm19 min read

Le Théâtre : Un Outil pour Briser le Silence et Sensibiliser
Découvrez comment le théâtre peut briser le silence et sensibiliser aux enjeux sociaux grâce à la critique sociale et à l'universalisation.
Luisa Ballin11 min read

Tibetan Warrior: Pop Music's Cultural Transformation
Explore how Tibetan warrior Loten Namling blends pop music with traditional Tibetan culture to inspire global awareness.
Peter Hulm4 min read