
About Global Geneva

Launched in December 2016, Global Geneva is an independent international print and online journalism publication in the public interest—dedicated to credible, solutions-oriented reporting for readers worldwide.

Our Mission

Global Geneva is committed to quality journalism that serves the public interest. We highlight global and local issues with a solutions-oriented approach—whether it's humanitarian responses, climate change, cultural heritage, or investigations into corruption.

We believe in reporting that is accessible to both specialists and non-specialists. By publishing insightful and in-depth articles, we aim to connect people around the world with the diverse challenges and innovations shaping our planet.

Magazine cover image

Global Geneva Magazine

The Global Geneva Story

From our founding to the present day


Launch in Dublin & Geneva

Established by a group of foreign correspondents, editors, and media specialists concerned about the deteriorating state of credible reporting worldwide.


Youth Writes Initiative

Began our worldwide youth writing program, helping young people understand the role of journalism and improve their writing skills.


Second Youth Writes Awards

Opened our Youth Writes Awards to high school students worldwide, encouraging future journalists and storytellers to tackle global issues.


Global Insights Magazine

Changed our quarterly print edition's name fromGlobal Geneva to Global Insights Magazine, maintaining the website www.global-geneva.com. We continue to expand coverage while offering free access to quality journalism.

Get in Touch

Have a question, suggestion, or want to join our team of contributors? Email our Editor-in-Chief at editor@global-geneva.com.