
Greenland and the Great Game
President Trump’s demands to annex Greenland has placed it back in the forefront. But his claim is not the only foreign interest.

Australia's Submarine Deal: A Shift in Military Strategy
Explore how Australia's new submarine deal signals a pivotal change in military strategy and alliances in the Pacific.

Reviving Terrorism Threat in Afghanistan's Historic Cities
Explore the resurgence of terrorism in Afghanistan's historic cities and its impact on culture, security, and global responses.
Greenland and the Great Game
President Trump’s demands to annex Greenland has placed it back in the forefront. But his claim is not the only foreign interest.

Reviving Terrorism Threat in Afghanistan's Historic Cities
Explore the resurgence of terrorism in Afghanistan's historic cities and its impact on culture, security, and global responses.

ISIS Resurgence: The Moscow Attack Explained
Explore the implications of the Moscow attack and ISIS resurgence, shedding light on global security threats and counter-terrorism strategies.

Réexportation d'Armes : Dilemme de la Neutralité Suisse
Explorez les enjeux de la réexportation d'armes vers l'Ukraine et la neutralité suisse face à la crise de sécurité internationale.

Comment Réguler les Robots Tueurs dans la Guerre Technologique?
Explorez comment contrôler les robots tueurs et les enjeux éthiques des drones militaires dans le contexte de la guerre technologique.