Top Priorities for the New U.N. Leadership
Discover essential strategies the new U.N. chief should prioritize to enhance global governance and foster international collaboration.

Discover essential strategies the new U.N. chief should prioritize to enhance global governance and foster international collaboration.
The international system desperately needs a counterweight to the diplomatic immobilism of decisions based on political expediency. One possible solution would be for the new boss to appoint a panel of superforecasters to tell the U.N. what to focus on most urgently.
The U.N.’s failure to use expert advice against the politicians has produced a number of blunders over the years — from allowing the Rwanda massacres to take place, to screwing up in Haiti, missing the boat on Ebola, standing by helpless in Southern Sudan, ignoring the civil war in Sri Lanka, letting Europe as a community turn its back on refugees, covering up rape and violence by peacekeeping troops in West Africa, and failing to control North Korea’s belligerence and oppression, to mention only the most recent.
No-one can claim these disasters and mistakes were not foreseen. But the whistleblowers have regularly been pursued if not punished. Looking further back, structural adjustment, as promoted by the World Bank and IMF, was clearly from the beginning a horrendous non-Keynesian approach to economic development. But who was around to give non-partisan analysis of the options?
With a superforecasting team on board, perhaps Kofi Annan could have given more weight to the U.N. peacekeepers who were predicting massacres in Rwanda unless the international community stepped up its presence. Would US President Bill Clinton have approved NATO cluster bomb attacks on civilians in Serbia if someone with more clout than U.N. human rights officials had publicly pointed out the violation of humanitarian standards?
Where can we find the superforecasters and what can they do? Credibility is the key. Canadian-American political scientist Philip Tetlock is trying to do something about it. Tetlock is famous for demonstrating that many so-called political experts do no better than a “dart-throwing chimpanzee” at hitting the bullseye with their predictions. Superforecasting (2015), written with journalist Dan Gardner, tells how Tetlock assembled a group of lay people who did (reportedly) 30 percent better in one year than professional intelligence analysts at predicting future events. All they had to go on was publicly available information from the Internet.
Tetlock’s argument is that superforecasters are made not born. He sets out 10 simple rules for developing these skills. They are the same I have found in the people I consider superforecasters in the U.N. in Geneva. Among these principles:
This last is perhaps the most important difference between experts and superforecasters.
Tetlock’s argument for specifying the scale of your uncertainties is simple: “Asking falsifiable questions and forecasting on them has the potential to moderate polarizing policy debates because accountability fundamentally alters the parameters of the discussion.” Tetlock now runs a forecasting project at, where anyone can exercise their own powers of prediction on a series of questions. Its GJOpen site challenges participants to make forecasts, explain their reasoning, allow others to challenge them, and find out how they perform against others to hone their skills. Goodjudgment will also help you run a tournament within your organization (hint, hint).
One major challenge open for forecasters is the Early Warning Project 2016, designed to help policymakers and NGOs on the risk of mass killings. For example, the forecasters put the chance of a mass killing in Turkey before 1 January 2017 at 15 percent, 8 percent in Yemen and 5 percent in Pakistan. Some 97 forecasters put the estimate for Ukraine at 0 percent. And 55 per cent of 88 forecasters believe there will be a mass killing in Afghanistan before the end of the year.
The UN already has a number of ways to gather and air differing opinions but rarely does so, except at the political level. Committees are a perfect place to hear dissenters but their public reports aim more for consensus or the least common denominator of agreement than for quantifying the uncertainties.
At the end of October Tetlock gave a masterclass to the World Government Summit in Dubai. He called on participants to draw up scenarios for the coming 10, 50 and 100 years in the workshop. His Edge class in 2015 (eight hours of video and audio, plus 61,000 words of transcript, is available online). Not that it promises a panacea. The superforecasters were wrong about Brexit, rejection of the Colombian peace agreement, and the election of Donald Trump as next U.S. President.
What makes such approaches useful is that the superforecasters then go back to their predictions and discuss how they went wrong. The details are available on the goodjudgement blog. “High status pundits have learned a valuable survival skill, and that survival skill is they’ve mastered the art of appearing to go out on a limb without actually going out on a limb,” says Tetlock.
With regard to the U.S. Presidential election in 2016, the GJ open group (wouldbe superforecasters rather than proven stars) scored highest among five sites that made daily forecasts, including the Huffington Post.But, as Nick Rohrbaugh on goodjudgment admits, it is more of question of being least wrong. They gave Trump a 24 percent chance of winning. Nevertheless, twice as many of the forecasters who correctly predicted the U.K. vote for Britain leaving the European Union thought Trump would win the U.S. election: 30 percent vs. 15 percent who thought Britain would remain. Even so, Rohrbaugh points out, Tetlock’s proverbial dart-throwing chimpanzee would have given Trump a 50 percent chance of winning.
So, just appointing a panel doesn’t solve all the problems. In a discussion of Donald Trump, Tetlock points out that his self-selecting group of superforecasters about Brexit and Trump have done worse overall than the crowd in their predictions. It still depends on who’s on your team. To quote Samuel Beckett via tennis star Stan Wawrinka: fail again, fail better.
Tetlock warns against choosing a question that is easy to answer instead of the one that you really want to predict, e.g. “Will Hillary Clinton get the most votes?” as against “Will Hillary win the election?” The blog has a whole section on posing the right questions.
When the IPCC (or Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published its first assessment 26 years ago, I criticised it for taking a minimalist view rather than recognizing that science is not about consensus, and allowing governments like the U.K. to defer action citing the unquantified “uncertainties”. I give myself a 60 per cent success score on that one. That’s just better than coin-tossing, and I would put my score higher in the 1990s than later.
But my rating goes down to 20 per cent with regard to the Paris Climate Change conference. I didn’t reckon with the determination of Laurent Fabius to close his career with an achievement, and wrote the prospects down just before the talks started.
I’m keeping the 20 per cent until I am sure that the U.S., the U.K., India and China will live up to their promises. Maybe I should push the percentage up to 30 percent since the U.S. presidential election. But I don’t expect to be among the superforecasters. Journalists are better at predicting the present than the future. We’re too excitable.