
Engaging Global Solutions for Sustainable Development in Geneva

Explore how Geneva fosters international collaboration for sustainable development, linking global solutions with community engagement and strategic partnerships. Learn more about this important dialogue.

Arthur Wood·
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From systemic failure to systems rebirth – Reinforcing and Leveraging the existing Geneva / Swiss Bridge to the World for larger commercial and social impact – A physical event of the Building Bridges Week (30 November 2021).

DATE & TIME: 30 November 2021, 1200-1330 Hours.

Since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, engaged sectors (Bretton Woods, DFIs, foundations, impact investment etc.) have spent conservatively $3 trillion in development. According to UNCTAD’s most recent report in March, 2021, however, we are now 20 per cent below where we started.

Can Integrated Systems thinking (Big Data; finance; planning; innovation…), which has already revolutionized every other sector of the economy and politics, now be applied for development to reverse this trend? Can it help frame a win-win path for all stakeholders to solve the SDGs, in particular the existential threat of climate warming? (See Global Geneva on International Switzerland’s unexploited knowledge potential)

Supported by GCSP, we are creating a new entity called Equity4Humanity on the back of integrating $65 million of already-built capability. Such collaboration promises higher economic and social returns hardwired in conjunction with a social mission. This includes a team of global experts and organizations coupled with new CERN technology, a new global legal structure created by former government regulators (charity and finance), a financial structure invented by the creator of the first blended structure and the SIB /DIB, and a systems planning process estimated by World Bank research to potentially proving capable of removing 45 per cent of the costs of resolving the SDGs.


  • Nicholas Niggli– Deputy Secretary of State Geneva; High level Board Adviser of Building Bridges
  • Arthur Wood – Founding Partner, Equity4Humanilty & Total Impact Capital



  • Lionel Bodin – European Lead Accenture Development Partners
  • Ed Vermeulen* – Co-Founder, Equity 4 Humanity and Former executive in the Logistics and Telecoms sectors

Event details and registration:See GCSP LINK.

* Speakers participating via Zoom

LOCATION: Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugene-Rigot 2D, P.O. Box 1295, CH – 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland

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