The purpose of Youth Writes is to encourage young people not only to improve their writing skills, but also their ability to discern what is credible – and what is not – in social media. This is a concern that numerous teachers, parents and college professors have expressed to us. More and more high school students are arriving at the university level with poor writing and even reading capabilities. (See also our editorial for the Fall, Sept-Nov. 2019 print and e-edition)
Nevertheless, the quality of the entries by the Youth Writes competitors has proven encouraging. Many of the stories, articles or podcasts entered proved to be exceptional and often highly imaginative. As part of Global Geneva’s commitment, all entries were edited and commented on by professional editors from around the world who offered suggestions to the students on how to improve the writing. We also held our first Youth Writes workshop in March, 2019, at the Ecogia International Red Cross Training Centre in Versoix, Switzerland.
We hope to expand this initiative across Switzerland in 2019/20 with more workshops by collaborating more closely in English and in French with international and state high schools, but also to expand the programme globally given the exceptional interest we have received from various schools ranging from Frankfurt, Brussels, Bangkok, Nairobi and even Liberia. Global Geneva is also developing other reporting initiatives, notably ‘Global Journeys’, aimed at bringing young people in direct contact with the need for quality reporting from the field.
We are also seeking to work with the United Nations, non-governmental organizations, Global Compact companies and other private sector institutions interested in this important public interest initiative in support of young people.
All award entries are also published in the Fall Sept-Oct 2019 print and e-edition of Global Geneva Magazine. If your school or institution would like print copies please contact:
Maxine Rechter
(1st Prize: 1200 CHF Travel Award)
International School of Geneva
Mohamed Diagne
(2nd Prize: 750 CHF Travel Award)
International School of Geneva
Nicholas Machen
(3rd Prize: 500 CHF Travel Award)
British School of Geneva
If you or your organization would like to support this or other Global Geneva initiatives in the public interest, please contact: The Editors, Email:
The Global Geneva Youth Writes 2019 Young Journalists & Writers Programme is funded by the Alcea Foundation, Lausanne.