

Explore Afghanistan: Your Essential Field Guide

Uncover the essential Field Guide to Afghanistan, featuring insights and practical information for navigating and understanding the region's complexities.

The Editors·
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See additional articles on Afghanistan in Global Insights Magazine (search www.global-geneva.com) plus our specialised updated collection of good pieces on Afghanistan by other media. (See Nusereal link: https://www.nusereal.com/afghan.php)

The fully-revised 4th edition of The Essential Field Guide is a comprehensive anthology of practical information about Afghanistan with “out of the box” thinking by leading Afghan hands. An invaluable and unique information tool, it provides a wealth of practical knowledge for anyone – aid worker, soldier, journalist – who needs to understand Afghanistan as it enters the precarious post-2014 era. Your survival and ability to work in this country depends on it. Even though parts are now out-of-date, this is one of the best background books you can obtain on most issues aout Afghanistan. (647 pages in the e-edition)

After foreign military forces leave, Afghanistan will continue to have an impact on peace and stability in Central Asia, the Indian Subcontinent and the Gulf Region. The Essential Field Guide and its companion site Global Insights Magazine www.global-geneva.com with its on-going in-depth coverage of Afghanistan are designed to keep you informed.

This 2014 edition is dedicated to Alfredo Witschi-Cestari, former head of the United Nations for Afghanistan. It was edited by Edward Girardet (Killing the Cranes, Afghanistan: The Soviet War) and William Dowell (In the Shadow of the Dragon), experienced foreign correspondents and authors.

Contributors include: Whitney Azoy (Buzkashi), Joanna de Berry, Chris Bowers, Jason Burke (Al Qaeda, 9/11 Wars), Kate Clark, Jeffrey Danziger (Cartoons), William Dalrymple (Return of a King), Renata Dwan, Anthony Fitzherbert, Peter Foot, Graham Flood-Hunt, Peter Jouvenal, Christina Lamb (The Sewing Circles of Herat, Malalai), Jolyon Leslie (Afghanistan – The Mirage of Peace), Jean MacKenzie, David Mansfield, Michael Keating, Peter Marsden, Nick Mills (Karzai), Naheed Mustafa (Hazlitt), Norah Niland, Charles Norchi (The Durand Line, Piracy), Victoria Porell, Ahmed Rashid (Taliban, Descent into Chaos), Sharifa Sharif, Emanuel Tronic, Ali Wardak, and Jonathan Walter (Essential Field Guides, Editions 1-3)

Background Essays and Infobrief themes include:

Aid, Agriculture, Buzkashi, Children, Conservation, Corruption, Culture, Drugs, Education, Environment, Forestry, Haqqani Network, Health, Hezb-e-Islami, History, Human Rights, ISAF/NATO, Key Players, Media, Mercenaries, Poetry, Reconstruction & Recovery, Security, Taliban, Women…Plus key travel and security tips, English-Dari and English-Pashto phrase book, where to stay or eat, contacts…

As well as InspireBoxes highlighting unusual groups and individuals who have brought positive change to Afghanistan through inspirational initiatives worthy of being replicated or to serve as ideas for the future!

We still have a few hard copies left, too. If you would like a copy, please order with: editor@global-geneva.com Cost: 50.00 CHF/USD including p&p. DHL, FEDEX etc. please add. Others go to AMAZON to order your Kindle or e-edition for 25.34 USD. We are currently exploring the possibility of updating portions online.