
Support Global Geneva: Become a Member or Donor

Discover how you can support Global Geneva Group through memberships and donations. Join us in fostering quality journalism and international initiatives.

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The Editors
September 24, 20223 min read

Support Global Geneva Group – our non-profit association – and WIKI’s Centennial Expedition: a unique multimedia venture to Help Save The Mediterranean.

You can become a Support Member of Global Geneva Group, our Swiss non-profit media association based in Geneva, Switzerland (See below). Or you can donate, advertise or sponsor Global Insights Magazine and its various partner projects, notably our HelpSaveTheMed inititative. Please specify your support preferences.

Payment or multiple contribution options

1. By credit or debit card


Supporter 50.00 CHFSubscriber 100.00 CHFConcerned 500.00 CHFBenefactor 1’000.00 CHFCorporate 5’000.00 CHFStudent/intern 20.00 CHF

2. Direct Support Contributions by Bank Transfer (CHF/EUR/USD/GDP)

For contributions of 2,500 CHF/USD/EUR/GDP or more, please use Direct Transfers through our BANQUE CLER non-profit account. (Global Geneva Group is a registered not-for-profit with the Swiss authorities in Geneva, Switzerland).

Account Holder: Global Geneva Group, Banque CLER AG, Geneva

a. CHF/USD/GDP Transfers

IBAN: CH69 0844 0258 0699 8200 1 – BIC/SWIFT: BCLRCHBB

Clearing: 8440

Swiss Postal Account: 40-8888-1

Swiss BVRB Account: 01-449102

b. EUR Transfers: Global Geneva Group

IBAN: CH69 0844 0258 0699 8200 2 – BIC/SWIFT: BCLRCHBB

Banque CLER AG Clearing: 8440

———————————————————————————————————- Why Support Us?

Quite simply, because quality journalism costs money. By becoming an individual or corporate Support Member, or donating, you can help us make Global Geneva Online ( and its print and e-edition Global Insights Magazine, more available to readers worldwide. This includes high school and university students, aid workers and concerned individuals interested in International Switzerland themes. It also helps commission the reporting we need to counter the rise in false news, disinformation, un-truths and propaganda that is increasingly undermining democratic societies and the world we live in.

Professional and reliable journalism is the most effective way for promoting accountability in the public interest. It is also crucial for highlighting the sort of stories that will enable people, both young and old, make informed decisions about their lives and the planet we live on.

Your support can help us work with some of the world’s best journalists, writers, photographers, cartoonists, film-makers and media specialists. And to share their reporting with everyone. We seek to uphold the finest traditions of independent journalism by providing the critical insight needed to reveal through compelling writing, inspirational imagery and new ideas what is happening in our world.

Our audiences are global, but we also specifically seek to inform International Switzerland, including the United Nations and related community in the Lake Geneva Region, interested in key planetary issues. You can help us by contributing any amount in CHF, EUR, USD & GBP. (Monthly, annually, one-time). See below for direct bank transfer to our multi-currency IBAN, Paypal or VISA.